Packing fresh fish makes up a large part of our production. This applies to packing of cod, saithe, cod, halibut, redfish, haddock and several other species of fish.

The procedure here is that fish is sorted out for packing, and the fish is packed species by species in boxes of styrofoam. Then the fish is covered with ice, and in some cases only the necks of the fish should have ice. The pre-packed pallets with fresh fish are sent in trailers and lorries.

In the winter, large quantities of fish are bought, where most of the fish delivered to us is cod. But there are also good quantities of other types of fish.

    Most of the by-catch goes to either salting or fresh packing. By-catch is fish such as;
  • Pollock 
  • Long 
  • Brosme 
  • Uer 
  • Hyse 
  • Halibut 
  • Plaice 
  • Lomre 
  • Breiflabb 
  • Catfish 

Much of the cod that comes to us is also packed, but most goes to stockfish production.

This fish is sent to many parts of the world. There may be fish shops and other fish counters in Norway, France, Spain, Portugal and more.

Packing fresh fish is a quality job, where only the finest fish is packed.